BEUK’s test purchasing services are expansive, we operate a global test purchase network and regularly conduct transactions from various trading platforms; Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, private domains etc. We also liaise with traders and purchase suspect infringing items directly through the following social media platforms; Depop, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Every matter that we process, whether it be a Trading Standards referral or a customs seizure, vital intelligence is collected and fed into the UK IPO. For our clients every address, name, date of birth, quantity of sale and item sold is processed and displayed on a single master database which enables and assists brand owners to track trends in the counterfeit market and target problem areas.
We offer test purchases services at three separate levels; basic, standard or statement.
Basic includes the initial purchase, screenshot report evidencing purchase, basic intelligence database logging item receipt and return address information and forwarding the item. Our clients select this option if they only require authentication of a product.
Standard includes all of the above plus bagging, tagging and securely storing the item, photographs of the packaging and product and a basic product examination. Our clients select this option if they are in the process of considering whether to take criminal/civil action against an illicit trader.
For a TP statement all of the above is included as well as a continuity witness statement, our clients select this option if they are pursing criminal/civil action against an illicit trader and require hard evidence.